Closing the Door: How Rural Youth Are Denied Educational Rights in China

Education development is rocketing in China, with increasing number of top-tier national universities, especially Tsinghua University and Peking University, rank among the best in Asia. Yes, we cannot deny that educational investment in China comes to a significant success over the past decades. China has, yet, left rural education behind. A so-called academic success is far and away dominated by urban elites. Rural youths, with career hope or not, are denied from entering the door – the door to academic excellence and career diversity. At the end of the day, the rich continue to be rich, but the poor continue to be poor. ...

Control Intensified on Travels Abroad

The Chinese authorities are expanding their long-term control over private outbound travel for citizens. Last year, the restrictions were applied not only for low-level civil servants and employees of state-run enterprises but also to teachers and health-care workers. To prevent people from traveling abroad, everyone is required to hand over their passports. ...

A Life in Jail: Shouters Co-worker Repeatedly Detained

Numerous Christians who are locked up in Chinese prisons were arrested and sentenced due to their beliefs only. Among them, Christians belonging to denominations blacklisted by the CCP as xie jiao have received the harshest sentences. The Christian group known as the Shouters, which has a long and complicated history, was banned as a xie jiao in 1983, long before the CCP’s list of the xie jiao was established in 1995. ...