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Court in China’s Guangdong Jails Human Rights Lawyer For Five Years
Authorities in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong have jailed a human rights lawyer for five years, RFA has learned. ...
The Plight of Rohingya Refugees One Year Later
It has been one year since the Burmese military began a violent campaign to force ethnic minorities to leave Myanmar’s Rakhine state. Witnesses ...
The Fate of Bitter Winter’s 45 Arrested Reporters
Great media coverage and two petitions to free them is an occasion to publicly share some details on their capture, detention and present state. ...
Christians of The Church of Almighty God Will Be Brutally Persecuted by the CCP Once Repatriated
At the same time, when the freedom of religious belief in China draws great attention of the U.S. government, the asylum applications of many Christians of The Church of Almighty God who had been persecuted by the CCP, and who had fled abroad to South Korea and European countries, are denied again and again. ...
Reporting Boxes and Tip Lines to Stop Religion in Villages
Religious belief is common among China’s rural population, representing the most significant base of believers. In an effort to attack religion at its core, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been mobilizing the masses to monitor and report each other using a variety of means. The latest tool is the revival of Cultural Revolution-era tip-off measures. ...