On November 28, 2017, in response to concurrent public attacks and smears against The Church of Almighty God in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea, South Korean human rights expert Do Heeyoun and eight other non-governmental organizations jointly condemned the Chinese Communist government for its many years of brutal persecution against The Church of Almighty God, and expressed the view that the asylum applications of Christians of The Church of Almighty God should be recognized by their respective host nations. During a recent interview, with the pending asylum applications of Christians of The Church of Almighty God at risk in South Korea, South Korean human rights expert Do Heeyoun said: The South Korean government has always advocated human rights, so it would not unreasonably force people onto the road to ruin. If the government does leave these people high and dry, many international human rights groups won’t sit idly by. He hopes this type of situation won’t happen.
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