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The Most Persecuted Religious Movement in China: What is The Church of Almighty God?
The Church of Almighty God has replaced Falun Gong as the main target of Chinese religious persecution. Here is the essential information on ...
Control Intensified on Travels Abroad
The Chinese authorities are expanding their long-term control over private outbound travel for citizens. Last year, the restrictions were applied not only for low-level civil servants and employees of state-run enterprises but also to teachers and health-care workers. To prevent people from traveling abroad, everyone is required to hand over their passports. ...
Three-Self Churches Continue to Be Destroyed Amid the Pandemic
As the coronavirus was spreading throughout China, CCP-run Protestant churches and their congregations suffered continuous crackdowns at the hands of the government. ...
Christian Suddenly Dies Within 24 Hours of Arrest
People in China are paying for their beliefs with their lives, like a member of The Church of Almighty God from Henan who died while in detention. ...
Human Rights in China – Church of Almighty God
A mass crack-down in Chinese religious law has led hundreds of people to imprisonment and torture. As their friends and families seek safety, EU Member States are tending to turn them away – writes Lea Perekrests, Deputy-Director, Human Rights Without Frontiers ...