
CCP’s Use of Tech to Abuse Human Rights Condemned at 2nd Ministerial Side Event

On July 15, 2019, during the US State Department’s second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, the Coalition to Advance Religious Freedom in China held a side event called “Silicon Valley and China: The Rise of Religious Oppression Through Technology.” A persecuted Christian from The Church of Almighty God (CAG), a Uyghur, and a petitioner spoke on the CCP’s use of advanced technology to trample human rights, and called on US tech companies to stop their supply to China. The host Greg Mitchell, Co-Chair of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable, spoke on the state of religious persecution in China. ...

Religious Suppressions Intensify in Shandong

As Bitter Winter reported last week, the religious persecution in the eastern province of Shandong is escalating. In preparation for a visit from the central religious inspection team, local governments across the province have dismantled crosses, demolished temples, and vigorously cracked down on house churches. The recently received information indicates that the investigation of and control over religious venues and religious believers throughout the province is becoming more severe, paving a way to even more intense suppressions. ...